Sunday, June 30, 2013

You Are Amazing

You ARE phenomenal beyond words. You ARE gifted and talented. You ARE beautiful. You ARE amazing. You ARE perfect. You ARE incredible. 
You ARE everything the Creator ever dreamed of - and so much more.

P.S. Check out the Creator Charged Crystals in my store - my hubby wraps them and I charge them with the energies.

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


“Most of us were taught very early that it is better to give than to receive. That is was selfish to put our needs first and always do for others, no matter the cost to us. These limiting beliefs block our ability to receive from anyone or anything. When we block receiving our money flows are dry, our relationships are one sided, we feel resentment and anger on a regular basis, and life just feels dull.
Would you like to change that? Are you willing to let go of everything you believe you have to be or do for other people? Are you willing to gift and receive freely with no expectations? Are you willing to receive the contribution you are, just by being you?"

P.S. Be sure to check out Magic, You Are It, Be It class on MP3 - available for immediate download and the book gets mailed to you at no extra charge!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Universe Knows

"Often we pretend to be less than we truly are. What would it take to stop pretending and truly embrace our awesome-ness?"

P.S. Be sure to check out Money Isn’t the Problem, You Are class on MP# - available for immediate download and the book gets mailed to you at no extra charge!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Universe has your Back

"If you had absolute and total trust in yourself and knew the Universe had your back, what would you do today? What are you waiting for?"

P.S. Did you know I wrote a mini book called Live BEYOND Your Wildest Dreams - and have a whole coaching program based around it? Check it out here!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Choose Kindness

"Those things you are trying to make yourself bad or wrong about it, let them go. You have never been wrong, bad, ugly, horrible, disgusting or any of the other names you call yourself. Choose from this moment forward to be kind. Think kind thoughts about yourself. Do kind things for yourself. Talk kindly about yourself. Isn't it time to stop beating yourself up and start loving kindness instead?"

P.S. Be sure to check out my Workshops - I travel far and wide and just may be in your area! (and if you would like to host me in your area let me know!)

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities